A living picture
Here is a 4Ft (1.22M) “picture aquarium” that AMCO has recently installed in a day centre. It replaces a twenty something year old mahogany cabinet aquarium (fashionable at the time) of similar length. The main reason for the change was to allow some additional seating in a waiting area. As with the unit that it replaces, AMCO continues to carry out monthly servicing.
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AMCO supplies new aquarium for Reading home office
This custom built aquarium & cabinet has been made to fit the available space & match the existing office furniture. The cabinet which is finished in American Walnut is slightly higher than the norm with the addition of a plinth base. The doors have been fitted with contemporary handles to suit the office décor.
The new set-up replaces a small tank from which the fish were transferred
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Welcome, our blog was started on 22/04/2010